HTTP testing and API testing made easy
Schmancy is a library dedicated to help developers write tests against APIs without the need of setting up a server or using a real endpoint. Inspired by WebMock Schmancy lets you specify requests for a particular URl indicating query parameters, HTTP method to use, encoding, etc and what to send as a result. Under the covers uses Nancy to host the fake app and handle requests.
Quick start
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open FsUnit open NUnit.Framework open RestSharp open Schmancy [<Test>] let ``Calling a GET request from root`` () = let url = "http://localhost:8899" stubRequest url RequestType.Any "/" |> withStatus Nancy.HttpStatusCode.OK |> hostWith (fun _ -> let response = client.Execute(new RestRequest("/", Method.GET)) response.StatusCode ) |> should equal System.Net.HttpStatusCode.OK |